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Welcome to 07 Day Market

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Welcome to 07 Day Market

07 Day Market is a platform that makes it easier to find and connect with social enterprises, cooperatives, responsible businesses, civic organizations, networks, and changemakers who are creating a better world.

The goal is to catalyze the transition to a new economy by increasing the visibility of the movement, making it easier for people to get involved, and facilitating trade, collaboration, and collective action.


07 Day Market weekly marketplace events

07 Day Market started weekly marketplace events in Sri Lanka as a way of testing the curation process and the concept. Interested consumers and social entrepreneurs volunteered their time to help find a venue, identify potential vendors, review applications, and spread the word. Approved vendors pre-paid for their stalls, and these funds were used to cover venue costs and all event logistics. The response exceeded expectations. The plan was to have 10 to 15 vendors, but the weekly event started in December 2012 with 33 stalls, and it rapidly expanded from there.

Weekly marketplace events feature fresh organic fruits and vegetables, natural food and snacks, ethical fashion, toys, and housewares, non-toxic home and garden supplies, natural personal care products, live music, kids programs, and more from 07 Day Market approved farmers, social enterprises, responsible businesses, and voluntary initiatives. Come out and show your support for the community!


Organic Participatory Guarantee System


In a Participatory Guarantee System (PGS), producers and consumers volunteer their time to maintain standards and systems, inspect farms, and ensure that products are organic. The goal is to keep costs down and make organic food more accessible and affordable. PGS can also serve as a stepping-stone for small-scale farmers and make it easier for them to get third-party certification for export in the future.

Retail Outlets


Looking for organic and natural food in Sri Lanka? Want to support local social enterprises and responsible businesses? The 07 Day Market shops offer organic fresh produce and natural food, body, home, and garden products from more than 130 07 Day Market approved enterprises. They operate as not-for-profit social enterprises. Stop by and show your support for the community!

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